Mindfully creating more space

What sits between you and feeling OK right now? Perhaps you already do, but how about pausing here to check.

What does OK feel like on the inside? Is there anything here that is present and could unconsciously colour your judgement, perspective and action today?

Sometimes we can find that there are a multitude of priorities and concerns that are bumping up against each other for attention and we didn’t even notice.

Or maybe you are noticing. Big time.

I came across this as an exercise.

Take each one of those things, placing them inside a bubble - or a balloon? Take a moment to engage your imagination and place each bubble somewhere outside of you at what feels like the right distance. Don’t rush, or push, just let this come.

When you can see the bubbles, pause, check again is there more space on the inside now?

There is? OK, now, attune to which bubble of those on the outside really needs your attention and focus. If it’s a ‘to-do’ how is it to bring the bubble closer and then gently and calmly get on with it, knowing that all of those other bubbles are sitting on the outside, you can pick them up anytime, one at a time.

Drawn from the practice of Focusing, finding an internal felt-sense for our challenges, I wonder whether, when there is just too much, this small practice, might create some space, perspective and freedom to breathe?