Do you invite in a new Quality for practice each year?

Monday was a funk, and then again Tuesday, especially Tuesday. Thinking about 2021 and what it held – or most likely wouldn’t. Sod New Year’s Resolutions!

I thought about how flexible we all still need to be (not that the world doesn’t ask this of us anyway), how many people still need to dig deep, find themselves down and pick themselves back up again. How resilience is being tested over and over. The capacity to bounce back, to reform.

Perhaps inspired by Forest Gump on TV again (life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get) and with a box of Quality Street to dip into, I wondered about a quality that I might like to practice this year.

What might help as I walk the path of the next 12 months?

I’d like to invite in more grace and ease into my life. Whilst they are not new, life keeps testing my resolve towards them.

I’ve learnt that it is impossible to have grace and ease in my thoughts, words and actions if my body doesn’t feel and move in alignment. I have to bring a felt sense of them into my body.

Try it for a moment. We are a whole system.

I want to do this for me, but also, the spin-off is that others will experience it, from me to them.

Is there some kind of quality you would like to invite in this year?

Edited Original Photo by Ryan Stone on Unsplash

Edited Original Photo by Ryan Stone on Unsplash