The Inner Critic - green, gnarled with sparkling teeth and spiky hairs….

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It was green, gnarled, with sparkling teeth and spiky hairs pegged over it’s nose. It had the most pernicious voice and could, at the drop of a hat, speak to her with a tone of absolute disdain. Turning her insides out, leaving her feeling flawed.

Her inner critic! She’d spent years fighting it. Telling it to go, come back when it had something useful to say. It never worked.

She’d receive another barrage of criticism. The proverbial pink elephant in the room that she wasn’t supposed to think about but couldn’t avoid thinking about.

She tried something else.

She began to notice the part of her that felt wretched, abused, shrunken, collapsed in the face of this critic. What did that part need?

At first she had no idea, she’d feel the discomfort of it and push it away. She began to recognise that it was afraid.

THIS was the part of her that was afraid of putting her head above the parapet, risking her reputation. All this time, she'd been fighting with the wrong thing. How was she going to get round this one?

Do you have something in you that holds you back?

Can you slow a moment to recognise what it needs?

If you'd like to know how she did get around this, sign up for my free book on how to work with the Inner Critic here.