Leadership through COVID - key questions

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As we tinker at the edges with COVID, I see yet another pull away from what we think we know towards what we don’t.

How do we lead in times such as this? If we thought the world was complex I reflect, that was the practice run! So where does that leave us?

How do we let go of needing to know - that’s where I find myself? Surely, given what I offer, I should have some answers? What an irony...

I’m wondering that this is what needs to be let go. The knowing of absolutes. The having the answers.

We live in a paradigm of outcomes and deliverables. We need these anchors. And yet ..

We know that complexity will continue.

Should we peel it back a bit - back to values and purpose and even before this, ask…

  • How have we been living in our current paradigm? How has that living structured our world?

  • How have we shaped our ways of being?

  • What are we learning about this right now?

  • What values do we now want to live by?

  • What is the yearning that sits under those values?

  • What paradigm shifts do we want to make in how we organise for living in congruence?

  • What needs to be co-created to for this shift?

  • What needs to transform?

  • Who, then do we need to become for the sake of what we say we care about?

What would you ask?

Do you live in a paradigm of absolutes?