Head, Heart, Grounded Compassion. Do you need a Counsellor Troi?

Image by John Hain from Pixababy

Image by John Hain from Pixababy

I harbour a guilty secret. One worse than loving chocolate. I used to love Star Trek - The Next Generation. (I also love Abba, and The Carpenters and thanks to a recent Tik Tok meme, John Denver has been inflicted at home too). Middle of the road me!

Back to Star Trek. Choosing one favourite character is a challenge.

Picard for his cool, calm,

Riker for his dogged loyatly,

Dr Crusher for her careful matter of factness.

Beta for is sardonic unintentional humour and Worf for his deeply buried sensitivity.

And then there is Deanna Troi.

The actress who played her - according to Wiki - said she was thrilled getting her Starfleet uniform - a fully fledged member of the team rather than eye candy (I paraphrase).

I loved Troi for her passion, her vision and her wisdom.

She always had something to offer Picard. In fact everyone on the crew got the benefit of her empathic nature at some point.

Led by that blend of head and heart and grounded compassion, she remained human, contactable, and I think precisely because she worked with her own inner game.

She worked with her fallibility, her fierce need for perfection and dependency. Only half human she may have been, but this half was her real value.

Do you think we all need a Counsellor Troi in our lives?