The Rhythms of Life impact how we show up

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Should you hibernate right now? Much preferring the spring and summer I always long to give winter a miss.

But this year, as I see the falling leaves, observing nature clearing out, sending energy back into the ground, replenishing for glory of a spring to come, I wonder what I shall build for the year ahead?

Nature follows a rhythm, despite our chaotic meddling. The rhythm this year has been interrupted by COVID, but our natural cycles will continue, just maybe not at the pace nor in the way we envisaged. The sun will continue to rise and set each day and so will we.

We do not know what 2021 holds, and it is for me, far too early (for me at least) to be focusing on New Year resolutions. But as we continue living in this uncertain, complex and slightly chaotic way, what rhythms of life will you attempt to flow with?

What choices can you make about who you will be as you step through this next time period? How will you be as you navigate the uncertainty that which comes with not being able to put stakes solidly in future ground?

Given our current context, what will keep your satisfied, if not fulfilled?

How do you want to live your life this next six months, and the next beyond that? What commitment will you make for your journey?

Personal questions yes; which one resonates most?