Who Are You Offering Water To?

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Maybe it’s the state of global leadership that has me wonder whether anything will really make a difference.

I first touched this properly in 2013. A fissure of grief emerging from deep within about the state of the world we have all had a hand in creating, some more than others. It feels kind of lonely, and then I realise that I’m not the only one here.

So, when I pick myself up, dust myself down, with a nod towards the fissure I ask…

In what corner of the world do you want to make a difference? Its size doesn't matter. What matters is that you choose. I’ve chosen mine, sometimes I can see it really clearly, sometimes it gets a bit hazed over, but I keep moving towards and within it.

You know that expression glass half full versus glass half empty, the global leader Margaret Wheatley suggests that we shouldn’t even be talking about glass half full or empty; we should be offering the water to those who need it.

So, who are you offering water to, how are you going to get it there?

In your corner of the world, what is the difference your leadership will make to those who agree to follow you, or perhaps better said, to the people you are willing to serve

Are people at the centre of your decisions?

Have you experienced a fissure in how you observe the world?